Saturday, May 27, 2006


I realized something today. Often times when I dream I realize that I'm dreaming...and I'm always afraid to tell the people around me that they are just a part of a dream. I guess the reason for this is, deep down, I'm afraid of what they might tell me. Because even if I am dreaming, there's a chance I might be dead.
That, and of course even though I know I'm dreaming, I can never accurately remember what my real life is like...most recently, I thought I was still living in New Hampshire, and I was 22. My point being, I knew what I was experiencing wasn't real, but I didnt know what was...that's what frightened me.

On a related note, I saw someone bring in an undercooked burger that they just recieved from Micky D's. The manager chewed out the person who made it. Makes me proud to own $1.12 in their stock.


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