Sunday, December 18, 2005

Ho Ho Yo

Pardon, I'm a tid bat tipsy.

Just caught a bit of the live action version of the know, the one with Ace Ventura? Ok... honestly. I only caught about 3 minutes of it, but it was a rather relevant part. Right towards the end, the slay is going over the cliff and the grinch must stop this from happening. First problem: Cindy LooWhoo IS NO MORE THAN TWO DAMNIT!!! AGHHHH!!!! Second, they threw that little whelp on top of the sled for one reason. The sled is going over. The Grinch: "Well it's only toys..."
They are trying to play up how materialism is not the main point of christmas. Any dong who saw the original knows that the reason the grinch worked so hard to keep the sled from falling (the sled represents the materialistic side of christmas) was because the Who's started singing DESPITE the fact that the all the material was taken away. They missed the whole point in this version. And there is a reason for that. Nowadays, the only thing that DOES matter to most is the material side of Christmas, so they had to throw in the moral given that the material side does not matter. That is why they threw the over aged Who on top of the sled. Because why else would would the grinch gain super strength i.e. heart *3. Certainly not to save the materialistic aspect of christmas which did not matter to the who's ultimately. They missed the whole point man.
On a related note, Happy Christmas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah for HAPPY Christmas! Boo using the word "merry"

6:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah the dark side of Harry Potter. It has turned a whole generation of young Americans into Anglophiles. We fought a freakin' war so that we could put a "Merry" in front of our Christmases, and you all better damn well remember it!!!

3:52 PM  

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