I cough up orange and blue...
I am just now recovering from our bowl game. Something just wasn't right from the start. I had been slowly getting ill the days leading up to the game, and it seemed that day that our fates were intertwined. I went in thinking, Auburn is going to mop the floor, and my immune system will likewise kick some ass. Six hours later I had a fever of 104. Needless to say, we both kind of dropped the ball. However, I seem to be bouncing back now. To all those who have graced my presence lately, I am sorry if I infected you. However, take heart in that you would have likely caught it anyway seeing as what i have is kicking the entire states ass right now. For awhile I was thinking Super Flu. The end of 99% of the population, and i get it in the first wave. Lame... just as I become a gun owner too. But then again, I think that everytime I get sick. My cohorts tell me these are irrational delusions, I disagree however. Although I would wouldn't I?
Other than that, no real news.
DQ8 has got me more pysched than any game since FF7. Unfortunatly less time for that when I'm layed out like I am. Sometimes I think of myself as merely a host for this being...
Other than that, no real news.
DQ8 has got me more pysched than any game since FF7. Unfortunatly less time for that when I'm layed out like I am. Sometimes I think of myself as merely a host for this being...
No Captain Trips here. I did have a pretty bad cold, but I'm pretty sure I was coming down with that before I encountered you and your germs.
I picked up DQ8 after making my way back to Huntsville, and have been pretty impressed with it so far. I'm discerning when it comes to RPGs, but I think this one may be a keeper.
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