Friday, October 21, 2005


I feel compelled to update this. I am bored at work, which is typical for this time on a friday...Phone rings 3:14 pm, hang up at 3:16 pm...wanted to know the number for the tiger card office...844-1220. I've been getting about one call every half hour since noon. None of these have been particularly interesting.

I remember my dad once telling me that some people think the perfect job is where you don't have to do anything and get payed a lot. He said that these people don't know what they are talking about...that time crawls by when you have a boring job. So true. Not that I'm complaing...I like the fact that I make 10 bucks an hour for doing what I want.
Here is what i have done at work today:
-Read a book...only 198 pages, and it is intended for adolescents but a good read.
-Posted on message boards
-Checked my e-mail x times
-Random surfing

Most of the time i attempt to get some work done while i am in here, but it is hard to get motivated Friday afternoon.'s nice outside. maybe I'll take a short break and go out there. nah, I'll wait for another call. Waiting. Waiting.

I used to read Harry Potter fan fiction while i was at work. In fact, i only let myself read it while i was at work, so every now and again, i'd actually be excited to go to work. Heres a quick fun fact: I do not know what I am talking about when I take these peoples calls. I have become an extremely efficient tranferer of calls to other people. There are probably 30 people in this building who can answer a specific question better so through my experience i have learned how to pass these people off on to others. This of course leads to the only difficult part of my job, which is staying on my bosses good side, and not calling any attention to myself. For now I am on my bosses good side, so that just leaves not transfering to many calls to someone in a row and being my normal sneaky self.

If anyone has any suggestions on how i could spend my time at work, I am open to suggestions. All I have is an internet connection, and text based stuff is best (reading or writing) as it doenst make me seem like I'm goofing off. Call comes in at the call by...3:30. Wow. Only 15 minutes between calls. I guess it has picked up seeing as some people have already left. I'm thankful for this peaceful job, because believe me...towards the begining and end of every semester...non-stop calls. "where's my refund?" "where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?""where's my refund?"

I think I will go outside for a bit...


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