Friday, November 18, 2005

Another Friday Afternoon...

Usually around this time of the week i find myself so very bored at my job i have no problem working on this blog for several hours. Nothing comes right to mind for this week, so i think i'll just wing it.
I finished another Harry Potter fan fiction today, but I'm not going to bother recomending it, seeing as all of the other ones i have suggested are superior. Hmmm... my supervision went well today... I'm really starting to get the hang of this whole counseling thing. If anybody out there has any pressing concerns and needs to talk, I'd be happy to refer you. I think that's kind of funny actually. I got in to counseling partially because i was already spending so much time counseling people i know, but now that I have some level of mastery, I am unable to work with people i know due to ethics. I see the point, one needs to avoid those kind of duel relationships, i just think it is kind of funny that now i have an out if anyone starts telling me their problems. Not that i don't care, just that it puts me in an ethical tight spot.
A rather interesting topic that i forgot to bring up today in my supervision deals with an interaction i had earlier this week. One of my students was getting off on a tangent about our foreign policy in the middle east, and it quickly became obvious they had no idea what they were talking about. I spend a good deal of time on this subject and i was frustrated to see this happening, seeing as it is not really my place to try and change their mind in that setting. i mean, they were on the opposite side of myself on this debate, but they weren't even reciting their sides arguments correctly. Overall my views on this topic have not changed much since the leader of our country said " Enough of this F-ing BS!!! BUSH SMASH!!!" and it would take a bit to move me from my current position. The ghost of michael moore could convince me... nah I'm just kidding. I was just trying to get MM dead is all.
Enough quasi politics. Heh... i only have 15 minutes of work left. Maybe i will update this again so my faithful reader will not give up on me.
By the way, Dude is now on facebook. I'm controlling his account right now, but i intend to hand over control to him very soon.
looking forward to the Goblet of Fire... saw a making of special on A&E last night. Very informative. Anyway, I'm around, but soon not at work. I will update again soon... as soon as i think of something to post...


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