Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Mutant Mosquitos, King Arthur and zombies...

I have recently started my practicum, and I am currently drinking a beer with my feet up, watching House after a somewhat long day of dealing with Middle School smart-asses. At this particular moment in time I noticed a strange looking insect type creature...which for some reason reminded me of something out of Metroid...
Anyway, I made a move toward it...sure it was not an actual insect. It made a kind of jump...moving a few inches, but it seemed as though it was actually flying. I went in a little closer and I realized it seemed to be some form of mosquito, but dimensionaly it was twice as large, except for the wings. I thought to myself, I have never seen a mosquito this size...is it perhaps some strange breed in this forsaken quasi-jungle wasteland? It jumped again flying in the same manner as a mosquito, but again only going a couple of inches. At this point it was about half a foot from my sleeping dog so I ninja pulled off my shoe and smacked that mutated vampire freak bug. The bloodspray was horrifying...even considering that I am watching a medical show. Anyway, long story short, this was a normal mosquito, that was exceptionally well fed to the point of not being able to get two inches off the ground. Interesting.
I recently saw the movie King Arthur. Completely random, I figured it would be good enough to watch while I played the Sims 2. This movie didn't do very well at all, at the box office or when it was released. I remember it coming out in the turbulent wake of LotR and I was of course not interested. It was though, rather well done and I would suggest that almost everyone go see this. It should be noted that I saw the director's cut, so naturally the critique applies to that... Anyway it was a lot better than I thought it would be, one of those movies that tries to sell the plausibility of such things. Historical Authenticity! That is what the new century is going to be about! I believe the film provided an excellent account of what things were like at that particular point in history (300AD). Cultural heritage ya know? Anyway, it was good. I only had two complaints though...I'll be vague for those of you who haven't seen it. First of all, it fell back on the old action movie cliche of requiring that the main bad guy has to kill off a character before the main character can fight them...LAAAAAAAAME. Two. It (the movie) killed off my favourite british actor. You'd have to know a lot about my viewing habits to guess this correctly...in fact I bet only my parents could. Anyway, aside from that, good flick.
Zombies. If they are the lumbering about, slow as shit, classic zombies, I think I'd have a good time. If they are the running kind, I would NOT have a good time. That is all.


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