Friday, September 30, 2005

On my mind....

I have decided to take a break from arguing foreign policy on my nerd network and decided it was high time I made an update to this blog. The only problem is...what to write about...
I've been spending most of my time between work, class and my practicum site, and most of my free time has been sucked up by RPG Maker 3. No big surprise there...some of you may remember the spring of 2004 when I spent a good 4 months straight working on RPG Maker 2. It would have been easier to learn a programing language during those 8 hours a day...maybe.
So after 4 months I had a very bug ridden beta of a game that had some serious balance issues. But was mine. Only had one person play it so far (thanks Dude) and i got a lot of good feedback on how to make it better. However, as i have explained to some, there were some serious bugs in the game. Bugs that were so tricky, that even at the height of my knowledge of that game I could not figure them out, so I doubt i could pick it up tonight and have a breakthrough. I really spent a lot of time on that game, seeing as i was not in school or working at the time. I like to think that I was using that time to find myself...a lot of people claim to take time doing that...they usually travel around or do SOMETHING. I created a world. I filled it with my mind crazies. I think i once described my game as kind of like Kingdom Hearts, but replace the Squaresoft elements with elements of every RPG I ever played and replace all the Disney characters with people from my life. A lot of cameos in this game, everything form straight up characters to a certain bearded fellow in an isolated cabin who sells...stuff. But anyway, i guess if anyone fancies giving it a whirl just let me know. I just got a Max Drive, which is basicly one of those nifty usb keychain hard drives except it is for PS2 memory card files. So...I can send it to you, but you'd still need a copy of RPGM2. Anyway, 3 is a lot more limiting in programing freedom, but that also makes it lightyears easier to understand and a whole lot faster to make stuff. So I'm having fun with it. The game I'm making is basicly a recreation of a D&D campaign that i designed back when i used to play with my bro. It should turn out pretty neat, as I'm trying to make it as D&D as possible. Right now the main character can be one of four races (Human,Elf,Dwarf, Halfling) and one of five classes (Fighter, Cleric, Ranger, Wizard, Thief) although not all races can be each class. Humans- F, R, C, T.
Elves- R, W. Dwarfs- F, C. Halflings- W, T. Kinda limiting, but I really want add a lot of depth to each character choice and if I add any more I will NEVER finish this game. Each character can then pick a knowledge category (Arcane, Occult, Wilderness Lore, Martial Arts, Performance, Politics, History etc. etc.) and a vocation (Mining, Cooking, Thievery, Weapon Smithing etc. etc.), so there is a great deal of customization...which is what i was shooting for. However, this means I have about 100 side quests to put together, but i'm begining to think I may make this game nothing but sidequests...very open and explorable. Ok, thats enough blogging for now. Wow...i really have a one track mind when I'm playing these games...


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