Friday, April 07, 2006

Look out Jackson town.

We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout,
We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson, Look out Jackson town.
Well, go on down to Jackson; go ahead and wreck your health.
Go play your hand you big-talkin' man, make a big fool of yourself,
Yeah, go to Jackson; go comb your hair!
Honey, I'm gonna snowball Jackson.See if I care.
When I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and bow. (Hah!)
All them women gonna make me, teach 'em what they don't know how,
I'm goin' to Jackson, you turn-a loose-a my coat.'
Cos I'm goin' to Jackson."Goodbye," that's all she wrote.
But they'll laugh at you in Jackson, and I'll be dancin' on a Pony Keg.
They'll lead you 'round town like a scalded hound,
With your tail tucked between your legs,
Yeah, go to Jackson, you big-talkin' man.
And I'll be waitin' in Jackson, behind my Jaypan Fan,
Well now, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper Sprout,
We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went.
I'm goin' to Jackson, and that's a fact.
Yeah, we're goin' to Jackson, ain't never comin' back.

So, yeah we're headed to Jackson this weekend. See about finding a house and maybe a job for yours truly. Julie asked me if I was allright with moving to TN, to which I replied "I moved from New Hampshire to Alabama. Nothing short of China could give me a culture shock."

We also just got back from the Virgin Islands, to which I have much to say about, but it will have to wait till I get back. I gotta go pack...something black.


Blogger Unknown said...

I hate to burst your bubble, but I had always thought that they were singing about Jackson, MS which back during the prohibition era was pretty notorious for bootlegging, prostitution, and other sothern mob related rabble-rousing.

As opposed to Jackson, TN which is notorious for . . .umm . . .

What is in Jackson, TN, by the way?

8:06 AM  
Blogger BigX said...

I think you're right, but hey...whatever. We also dropped by Memphis and I just made the call to bend the implication of Mr. Cash instead of bringing up any of the large number of Memphis songs. WHat's in Jackson TN? not too much really. Reminds me a lot of Opelika... I'll tell you what's NOT in Jackson, and that is early intervention services for Autistic children. Julie is going to be setting up shop there and with any luck, make us our fortune. I gotta say though- Memphis rocks. It reminds me of a cross between Chicago and New Orleans. Some homeless guy was trying to think of what celebrity I look like. I quote: " You look like that guy...on the beach...ya know, with that girl with the big titties". Took me about half a second to guess that one, even though I was drunk. Although, I don't see it at all.

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you look like david hasselhof?

12:40 PM  
Blogger BigX said...

Correct! I however see no resemblance between me and that Kraut but hey-whatever. He couldn't think of the name of the girl Julie reminded him of, and we couldn't guess...his clues were-
1-"She's in that Pink video"
2-"Pink is singing about her"
3-"Believe me, I don't think you're like her at're beautiful, you just look a like her"

Havent seen Pinks video, but based on the way he kept appologizing I imagine it is someone 'undesireable'. We DID guess Paris Hilton and Nichole Ritche, but he said that wasn't it. We'd really like to know just out of curiousity, and I mean, there is NO way I look like Hasselhof. The coolest part of this whole encounter is the guy didn't even hit us up for any money...which made him quite unique in that town.

3:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would guess he was talking about Pink's "Stupid Girls" video (which is absolutely hillarious, BTW). The video makes fun of braindead starlets in general, and Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Jessica Simpson in particular. But I definately wouldn't compare Julie to any of them.

Although, I guess she looks about as much like Lindsey Lohan as you do David Hasselhof.

10:37 PM  

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