Friday, May 25, 2007

My dogs go crazy every time a doorbell rings on TV

I've been wondering for awhile how best to discuss the awsomeness of the Nintendo Wii. Over the past month it has become clear how best to illustrate my point. My wife is a good deal more social than I am. Where she starts to go crazy sitting around the house all day and has to get out and do something, I stock up so I have no need to leave for several days when my circumstances allow. As such, she has people over. A couple of her former bridesmaids came up from Abalama several weeks ago for the weekend. A couple weeks ago, another friend of hers from grad school spent the weekend. On both occasions, the Wii. Now I want to emphasize how none of these young women know a Hookshot from Holy...but man did they get behind the Wii. I mean, they were kicking my ass at bowling, and they've maybe logged as many hours of videogames in their lifetime as I do in...ummm...half a day? Maybe? Anyway, they loved it. It's true- this system is for everyone. Since then I myself have been getting my kicks from the latest Zelda. Yeah. Awesome. Anyway...

There was something else...

Anyway...I have no idea. I 'm catching up on the Soprano's right now...thank you HBO On-Demand. I tried talking the cable company into just letting me have on demand and to hell with the actual channels. The way I operate is not conducive to those channels, and I refuse to begin watching any movie part way through.

What in the crap was I so motivated about writing?

Oh well. Whatever. It'll come to me.


Blogger Unknown said...

To support your point, my 52 year old mother who has never wanted anything to do with video games other than telling my brothers and I to turn them off and go outside and play, and who has no children living at home, now owns a Nintendo Wii.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would also like to validate said hypothesis.

Its like Kingdom Hearts to the bazillionth power...


9:26 AM  
Blogger killajulz said...

I'd kick your ass at the Wii, AND I've probably logged in about as many hours as your playing video games! :)

I want to come see you guys so bad!

10:11 AM  

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